About Tui na

    Tui na is an integral part of TCM.Tui na consists of Mo(Palpating),Jie(Rejoining),Duan (Setting),Ti(Lifting),An(Pressing),Mo(Circular Kneading),Tui(Pushing)and Na(Holding)。These are the 8 manual techniques applied in trauma.
   Tui na is one of the forms of Chinese manipulative therapy.It is often used in conjunction with Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Chinese herbalism, T'ai chi, and qigong. Tui na is a hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese Taoist and Martial arts principles in an effort to bring the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into balance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press, and rub the areas between each of the joints, known as the eight manual skills, to attempt to keeping balance between Yi and Yang, to open the body's defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in the meridians and the muscles.The practitioner can then use a range of motion, traction, and massage etc., with the stimulation of acupressure points. These techniques are claimed to aid in the treatment of both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as many non-musculoskeletal conditions. So Tui na includes among others Chinese Acupressure therapy, Chinese massage therapy and Chinese manipulation therapy which manipulates the spinal column and other structures back to normal.

     In ancient China, medical therapy was often classified as either "external" or "internal" treatment. Tui na was considered to be one of the external methods, thought to be especially suitable for use on the elderly population and on infants. Today, Tui na is subdivided into specialized treatment for infants, adults, orthopedics, traumatology, cosmetology, rehabilitation, sports medicine, etc.